Sunday, August 14, 2016

Book Review #4 : An Abundance of Katherines by John Green


An Abundance of Katherines 
Author : John Green
Number of pages : 213 pages

          God can I start by stating how much I admire John Green, there’s always something new I learn from his books, starting from weird words that I never heard of, different languages and definitely  historical and scientific facts and he never disappoints when it comes to endings, they are always real.

With this book, it was definitely the case, as the main character is a half Jew prodigy named COLIN, who was discovered to be smart at a really young age. Colin wants to break the mole and become a genius; he wanted to do more than just learn what others had discovered, but the most interesting fact about him is his ideal type…his ideal type wasn’t a popular girl, a smart girl nor a beautiful one …his ideal type was KATHERINE with this exact specific spelling, as long as the girl is named Katherine he somehow falls for her,  but he always get dumped by Katherines; and that’s when the best friend job starts for Hassan, his best friend that has to hear about his moments with Katherines and their breakup and everything ..Hassan was his fat, Arab and Muslim friend that makes jokes all time and has no interest in entering college as he claims that he’s better off home watching TV and spending his dad’s money (who is apparently rich).

After his breakup with Katherine 19, Colin was so fed up and not welling to deal with his parents (showering him with love, telling him he’s the best, pushing him to learn new things and more educational programs) so it occurred to him this brilliant idea to go on a road trip with Hassan…and their drive begin and somehow (well not really somehow...but I won’t give you much spoilers)they will meet Lindsey who was giving tours around the town and her Mom Hollis who was able to identify Colin as the “Smart Kid” because he had appeared on a TV show before- for prodigies  of course- and then she invited them over and was also able to provide them a part time job .

COLIN decided later that he’s going to make a theorem for relationships: Dumpers and Dumpees , that will allow him to tell the tendency of his relationships ( how much until he’s dumped, the factors that causes breakup ) – I personally didn’t understand what that would get him haha – but he also got involved alongside Hassan with Lindsey and her mother ..Surprisingly Lindsey’s boyfriend shared the same name as him, Well after few events (not really …MANY happened) Lindsey broke up with her first Colin (yep first Colin) to Fall in love, later, with The Smart COLIN as he also fell for her at the end, also during this journey Hassan (the hilarious guy) got to experience being in a relationship (for like 4 days LOL) and had his first girlfriend!

It took Colin 18 Katherines (because Katherine 1 was later Katherine 19) to actually matter for someone and it took Lindsey one dump Colin to find someone that she can be herself around him.
I love how this book was about real friendships, I mean Hassan’s and Colin’s friendship was so cool, they went through ups and downs but they were always there for each other, I also loved how J.G displayed the image of a Muslim teenage boy, showing how he was as normal as other boys at his age ..I also loved the fact that Math was part of this novel, it made it more interesting, and OF COURSE  as I mentioned before I loved how it included facts and different informations.

If there’s any advice I would give to someone who’s hesitating to read this book( especially that many stated it was a bit boring) : don’t hesitate to grab this RED BEAUTY, it’s full of adventures, real situations, amazing quotes and it definitely gets more interesting page after page !

So I would like to share with you some of my favorite quotes:

-          But mothers lie, it’s in the job description
-          Crying adds something : crying is you plus tears
-          "Prodigies can very quickly learn what other people have already figured out; geniuses discover that which no one has ever previously discovered. Prodigies learn, geniuses do" .
-          Dumpers may not always be the heartbreakers, and the Dumpees may not always be the heartbroken. But everyone has a tendency.
-       "Everywhere man blames nature and fate, yet his fate is mostly but the echo of his character and passions, his mistakes and weaknesses “ – Democritus
-          What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable? How very odd to believe GOD gave you life, and yet no to think that life asks more of you than watching TV. 
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
-          But I was ugly. I don’t even know how ugly and pretty get decided.
-          Everyone  just assumes they’re true, because people are basically lazy and incurious.
-          Authors always wrote things in ways other than how they actually happened. Authors never included the whole story, they just  got to the point …the truth should matter as much as the point.
-          I will leave behind something more than one photo album where I always look old
-          I just want to do something that matters, or be something that matters. I just want to matter
-          Because personally I think mattering is a piss-poor idea.
-          Books are the ultimate dumpees : put them down and they’ll wait for you forever, pay attention to them and they will always love you back.
-          How do you just stop being terrified of getting left behind and ending up by yourself forever and not meaning anything to the world.
-          In this world…you are best off staying with your kind.
-          I learned a while ago that the best way to get people to like you is not to like them too much.
-          The thing about chameleoning your way through life is that it gets  to where nothing is real.
-          How you matter is defined by the things that matter to you. You matter as much as the things that matter to you do.
-          I don’t think you can ever fill the empty space with things  you lost.
-          Dumpers are not inherently worse than Dumpees- breaking up isn’t something that gets done to you; it’s something that happens with you.

Room - Film Review #1

This film was adapted from a book written by Emma Donoghue : 

Directed by Lenny Abrahamson
Released September 4th, 2015
Starring: Brie Larson (Ma - Joy ), Jacob Tremblay (Jack), Sean Bridgers (Nick)

This movie was in my 'TO WATCH' List for months since we came cross the trailer which gave us goosebumps, if you haven't check it out yet , here you are : 

It was the first movie we watched after passing all our exams last months, and of course because we loved it, we  re-watched it twice with our mother. 

Room tells the story of a mother and her son , Ma (Joy) and Jack living in a shed ('ROOM') ; Joy was kidnapped, locked up in room for 7 years , raped and abused by  Nick. She gave birth to Jack who is now five and that had never been out, His Mother tries to give him a normal childhood  and loving environment as possible : They watch Tv together , they play games , exercise together ...

Ma was a very strong character, she passed through a lot of pain and she experienced a lot and yet she still managed to be an amazing mom. She will think of a way to make them both escape their cruel circumstances which we will not tell you about or how, no ! we are not going to be  spoilers here haha !
The movie also expose Jack’s experience of getting to know the world :  people, places and things; He teaches us to no take it all for granted and to explore / try everything which is really magnificent.

The story is told beautifully despite being a tragic one, we can’t even tell you how stunning , breathtaking job  these actors did in playing these roles, you almost believe that she is his real mom!!  

Overall , Room is such beautiful, well done , inspiring movie that we will definitely , surely , absolutely and undoubtedly  RECOMMEND!  

We are looking forward to read the book asap and review it.

“Ma and I have decided that because we don’t know what we like, we get to try everything. There are so many things out here. And sometimes, it’s scary, but that’s okay, because it’s still just you and me.”

Monday, July 25, 2016

The Moroccan Bookish #TAG

We  found some cool tags for bookworms  so we decided to do a one for all  Moroccan book lovers  worldwide . It’s kind of   a long tag but It is so much fun to do it . Let’s get started…
  • Question #1 : Since when you started reading? and was someone the reason you started it?

#H : I started reading two years ago, but I wasn't reading that much of books, and yes! My mother and sister were the reason I started reading.

#S : since I was 6 years old basically, buying and reading kids books and stories got me into reading and since then I turned into a book worm as for the person who got me into reading :My Mom ..she always encouraged me to spend my money on books and I got hooked haha !

  • Question #2 : Favourite writer / author ?

#H: Each author have it own style, it is really difficult to decide which one is my favourite! 

#S: I don't have just one favorite writer or author ..mentioning a name without another would not do the unmentioned justice and if i reaaaally have to mention one I would say Gibran khalil Gibran .

  • Question #3 : Best book you've read so far ?

#H : So far my two cup of tea books are : The Fault in our stars by John Green and Please look after mom by Kyung Sook Shin .

#S : Again, I don't have one favorite book so I will mention the 3 books that came to my mind as typing this answer : the prophet by Gibran Khalil Gibran, Paper towns by John green and the Alchemist by Paulo coelho 

  • Question #4 : A book you didn't like ?

#H : I didn't like those books we had to read in High school and specially : La boîte à merveilles - Ahmed sefrioui .

#S: Emm actually I hadn't really disliked a book before ..maybe because i'm a bit picky when it comes to my readings that it saved me from disappointments haha !

  • Question #5 : How many times you buy books ?

#S & # H : Whenever we have money basically haha ..we just head to the nearest library looking for the latest books or books we wanted to have !

  • Question #6 : New books or old & used books ?  

#H: Both , It's doesn't really matter as long as I am getting a BOOK haha.

#S : I prefer new books but I  like the old used ones  if the previous owner of that book  marked his/her favorite parts or wrote his/her thoughts on the edge of the feels somehow like i'm reading their thoughts or sharing the same thoughts with them sometimes !

  • Question #7 :  Bookmark or a random piece of paper ?

#H: A DIY bookmark, and sometimes I use just a random piece of paper.

#S: Definitely bookmarks ..beautiful and cute ones haha !

  • Question #8 :Do you have a certain place at home for reading ?

#H: Actually no, but I do prefer reading in bed.

#S: No actually ...Anywhere quite basically would be nice ...if not am still okay !

  • Question #9 : Can you stop reading anytime you want to or do you have to stop any a certain chapter, page or part etc.. ?

#H: I can stop reading anytime, but when the story is catchy or getting more interesting I can't stop till I reach the end, at least of the chapter.

#S: I stop when I really have to ..not when I want to haha since  it's quite hard for me to stop reading and put a book down especially if it's an interesting one ...and when I do it I just stop at whatever page/ part/ chapter ...

  • Question #10 : Do you eat or drink while reading ?

#H: I like eating sweets or cereals while reading lol

#S: I only drink tea often while reading ...never ate while reading before !

  • Question #11 : Can you read while listening to music or watching TV ?

#H: It really depends on my mood and the book I am reading, sometimes I like to read while listening to some calm indie songs. 

#S : I can but I don't ...whenever I do so I end up rereading certain lines or sometimes even pages because I lose my focus a bit singing along with songs LOL !

  • Question #12 : One book at a time or several at once ?

#H : I read several books at once, it feels like living more than one life everyday.

#S : Both ....sometimes I'm reading several at once ..but mostly I'm reading and focusing on One book ^^

  • Question  #13 : Reading out loud or silently in your head ?

#H :  when I am alone, sometimes I read out loud in a British accent haha I don't why but I just do it, otherwise I like reading silently in my head.

#S: Silently ..but sometimes I read certain lines out loud when they seem weird or impressive somehow to me !

  • Question #14 : Reading at home or everywhere ?

#H: Everywhere.

#S: E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E !

  • Question #15 : Do you write in books ?

#H : No I just mark my favourite lines.

#S: No ..I just mark my favorite lines as well using a highlighter pen (Usually a PINK one haha ) and I write my thoughts on my personal notebook ^^

Question #16 : Do you read books of Moroccan authors ? if yes who's your favorite writer ?

#H : I haven't read a one yet, If you know any good Moroccan books don't hesitate to suggest them!

#S : Only the ones they made me read in school  LOL! 

  • Question #17 : Currently reading ?

#H : Looking for Alaska , The lovely bones.

#S : Please look after  mom,  13 reasons why and finishing An abundance of Katherines !

  • Question #18 :3 books you want to have now ?

#H : Big magic by Elizabeth Gilbert ,  أن تبقى - خولة حمدي ,  Room by Emma Donoghue

#S : Me after you,  I'll give you sun  And Glass sword !

And we Tag : 

1-  According to Hind ( Hind Touissate) : 
                                                                   Blog :
2- Reading more with twins :
3- Fatine Reads Books :  @Fatinereadsbooks

All book lovers can enjoy doing this #Tag and sharing it with your friends, Tag us or share your posts in the comments with us :)  
We will be pleased to read your answers.

Book Review #3 : جرعة نيكوتين

.هذه المرة الكتاب قصير لذلك لن أطيل كلامي عليكم
لقد أثار انتباهي العنوان و بداية الكتاب، انه عبارة عن مجموعة قصص قصيرة التي تحمل الكثير من الألم و اليأس فهي تعكس حياة العديد من الأشخاص في مجتمعنا و معانتهم من صعوبات و قسوة الحياة في عالمنا الحالي و في ضل الثورات العربية

.هذه المجموعة من القصص تعكس الحقيقية ، ستعجبك  اذا أحسست بها

لكن بعض القصص كانت مملة بالنسبة لي و ما لم يروق لي هو هروب جميع الشخصيات من الواقع بدل مواجهته، زيادة عن هذا اتارني الفضول كل مرة انهي  
.قصة، أردت معرفة المزيد من الأحداث

.بشكل عام ، الكتاب ليس سيء و لا أنصح أي شخص حزين أو محبط بقراءته

   : لقد أعجبتني بعض الأسطر أود مشاركتها معكم

This time the review is a short one,  as short as the book is!
The title and beginning of the book really attracted me; it is a series of stories that carry so much pain and despair, the stories are reflecting the lives of many people with its all hardship and sadness and they are just real, like SO REAL!
 You will like the stories only if you feel them!

However, some stories were so boring for me than other ones and all the characters in every story have found a way to escape reality which is not good thought!; also I felt so curious every time I come to the end one of each story, I wanted to know more about what will happen, I just craved for more events in each one.

In general it is just not bad ; I won't recommend this book for anyone who's feeling down. 

Saturday, July 23, 2016


Hello bookworms, occasional readers and book and movies lovers,

We will be sharing the links to our social media accounts , make sure to like us on Facebook , Follow us on Instagram and Twitter for discussion and for more funny posts and facts about books and reading : 

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We also will be taking your suggestions regarding books and movies  to read / watch and review.

You can aslo email us on : .

Book Review #2 : The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

This is the first time I've truly been at a loss of words, I don't know what I am supposed to say? How can I do this book justice?
It's hilarious, heart breaking and full of emotions ...The story will stay in your mind for a long time , a very long time, it'll make you laugh so much , smile a lot and cry so hard *starting from chapter thirteen*.
Allow me to tell you about the characters, well there in no doubt that John Green's characters are always special, Hazel grace was just real, she knows that she has cancer and that's the way her life has to be lived, has a good sense of humor but keeps a lot to herself. ,She lives her life trying not to hurt others. She doesn't want to get to close to anyone so that when she dies no one will be hurt.
Augustus Waters is 17 . He is gorgeous ,  very frankly  and determined to love Hazel no matter what might happen in the future,  Cancer had caused him to have a leg removed. Augustus isn't afraid to do what he wants because he realizes that someday no one alive at this time will be remembered.
It's a match made in Cancer Kid Support Group, then there is Isaac , the parents , Patrick and Peter Van Houten.
For this novel I don't really have much to complain about. it simply stole my heart, again it's full with some mind blowing quotes such as :

Book Review #1 : Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan

It’s the first novel I've read that has been narrated by two authors and I must admit it was interesting thing to do, kind of feels like getting two books in one.
In this novel each author have created a character and the both have the same names Will Grayson, John Green wrote WG (upper and lower case text) while Levithan wrote wg's chapter (all in lower case).
The story is about the two Wills that will coincidentally meet at a much unexpected place and their life will never be the same again. John Green's WG is straight , raised by two concerned , professionnel parents and doesn't like attention even though he is a friend of the most famous gay in school Tiny cooper; The other wg is gay, depressed, lives with his mom and always complaining about his life to his friend Maura.
To be honest I liked WG more,  he is hilarious and he made me more sure that John green's characters are the best , He have two main rules in his life : 1- Don't care 2- Shut up. The second wg just was difficult to understand, he is emo , everlastingly in a bad mood kind of like the worst scenario for a teenager.
In general, The positive points I can mention about this book: 
- It has a lot of humor;
- It contains a lot of sentences that will make you pause and think a little about them and even maybe reread them once , twice , ...;
- It contains some sarcastic, genius passages that I will quote for you :
“You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can‘t pick your friend‘s nose.” *lol
“You like someone who can't like you back because unrequited love can be survived in a way that once-requited love cannot. ”
“I have a friend request from some stranger on facebook and i delete it without looking at the profile because that doesn't seem natural. 'cause friendship should not be as easy as that. it's like people believe all you need to do is like the same bands in order to be soulmates. or books.omg... U like the outsiders 2... it's like we're the same person! No we're not. It’s like we have the same english teacher. There’s a difference.”
“The things you hope for the most are the things that destroy you in the end. ”
“Everyone in our school has afterschool activities. Mine is going home.”
However, I didn't like how tiny cooper is having a huge presence in the lives of both wills to the extent I thought that the book should be titled 'Tiny cooper and the both Wills' no wonder he and his musical got their spinoff book : Hold me closer : The Tiny Cooper story , I just couldn't stand him or his musical. Tiny was such selfish annoying personality for me.
Overall, it was a good book, I enjoyed reading some chapters, others made me feel really bored!